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'World Peace Gate' is already existed structure in Seoul, Korea. I wanted to design 3D model to advertise and provide Korean style art to the world.

3D asset.PNG

Using sketch of top, side, front view, I designed 3D model of the gate using 'Maya'.

화면 캡처 2022-06-03 220702.png
화면 캡처 2022-06-03 220721.png
화면 캡처 2022-06-03 220739.png

I set up clear UV maps and draw textures. To give more realistic and dramatic diorama, I also designed height and bump map to express depth of the texture.

화면 캡처 2022-06-03 221258.png
화면 캡처 2022-06-03 221312.png

I added 3D models on diorama by my own imagine. I built structures and ships that include Korean culture.

화면 캡처 2022-06-03 221128.png

Moods in ‘World Peace Gate Diorama’ are peaceful, magnificent and meaningful of Olympics. To maximize these moods, the diorama is designed with night view containing moonlight and red point lights from Olympic torches. Also, slowly moving ship animation is added for peaceful background environment.

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