
Project 'Perspective1' is multi-view game in same area. The perspective of 3D in the painting is unlike normal human sight but more similar to digital camera sight in 'Unity'. I was able to imagine 2D character walking around in 2D platform with 3D elements. It is 2D side view style place but the background elements are 3D and the character can interact with them. To summarize, my project is creating 2.5D environment that players can naturally change perspective. I planned to use software ‘Maya’ for 3D modelling and ‘Unity’ to create the environment.

After this project, I was satisfied with appearance of the scenes. Showing side of objects and walls when switching camera help explaining my concept. 3D objects were designed well in the scene and the style of simple and low poly represents my purpose very well. I added animation in player movement script and users can control the character more naturally. Idle and walking animations make my scene more dramatic and interactive.
Control with one fixed position button does not affect gameplay a lot and users will feel the button is easier to control. One thing that I want to revise is movement script in 3D space. If players can control character up and down with W & S key in 3D space, it will have more interaction with 3D objects. However, my character is 2D sprite and it cannot interact with 3D rigidbody, so dealing with this issue is my next challenge.